Health Savings Account

Eligible Expenses

{Know what expenses are
covered under your HSA}

HSA Eligible Expenses

The IRS determines which expenses are eligible for reimbursement. Eligible expenses include health plan copayments, dental work and orthodontia, eyeglasses and contact lenses, and prescriptions.



In addition to the required detailed receipt, you will need to submit a Letter of Medical Necessity, signed by your doctor, to verify this expense is a medically-necessary treatment for a known medical condition. 



Mandates require you submit an actual prescription from your doctor, in addition to the required detailed receipt. The prescription must be written by your doctor (on a prescription pad or form) and dated on or before the date you incurred the expense to verify this over-the-counter medicine is prescribed for a known medical condition.


Eligibility Legend

Eligible Expenses Legend 1 (3)