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Compliance Briefing Center


Making it Easier for You
to Manage Benefits

HSA Limits to Remain the Same for 2011

In early June, the IRS announced that the HSA index figures for 2011 will remain the same as they were for 2010. The release of the index prior to June 1st of every year is a relatively new requirement that came into effect as part of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006. This early release of HSA minimums and maximums was instituted to help ensure that plan sponsors have sufficient time to set up plans, create and publish materials and generally prepare to educate employees ahead of the upcoming open enrollment season. Now that the figures below have been released, you can confidently begin to plan for the coming year.

IRS 2011 Limits for Health Savings Account

Health Savings Account (HSA)



Minimum deductible amounts for the qualifying high-deductible health plan (HDHP)

Individual coverage



Family coverage



Maximum contribution levels

Individual coverage



Family coverage



Catch-up contribution allowed for those 55 and over



Maximums for HDHP out-of-pocket expenses

Individual coverage



Family coverage

