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Flexible Spending Account Save Money On EverydayHealthcare Expenses Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) Use tax-free funds to pay for eligible out-of-pocket medical, dental and vision care ex...
Limited-Use FSA (HSA Compatible FSA) Limited-Use FSA (HSA Compatible FSA) A Smart Way to Maximize Your Savings If you’re enrolled in a qualified high-deductible health plan (HDHP) and have a Health Sa...
Dependent Care FlexibleSpending Account Save Money on Child andElder Daycare Expenses Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) Use tax-free funds to pay for preschool, summer day camp, before/...
Health Savings Account Health Savings Account (HSA) If you have a high deductible health plan, an HSA is a great way to save money for healthcare expenses this year, before your insurance kicks in, as...
Health Savings Account FAQS What is an eligible expense? Which is better for you – type of FSA is right for you? Are your dependents’ expenses covered? Find answers to all your questions about your Wa...
How To Use Your FSA Your FSA Your FSA is governed by IRS regulation that details who is eligible to use the account and what, where and how the money in it is to be used. Your FSA was designed to be ...
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account FAQs Are you eligible to open a Dependent Care FSA? What are your savings options? Are your dependents’ healthcare expenses covered? Find answers to all your q...
Children, Spouses, Parents Eligible Dependents Find Out Who Qualifies Who Is An Eligible Dependent? You can use your WageWorks® Dependent Care FSA to pay for care for eligible children, spouses, par...
Frequently Asked Questions What is an eligible expense? Which type of FSA is right for you? Are your dependents' expenses covered? Find answers to all your questions about your WageWorks Healthcare F...
Questions? When can I start using funds in my account? Can balances be rolled over from year to year? What happens if I go on vacation? Find answers to all your questions about your WageWorks Commute...