In 2016 permanent parity between the transit benefit and parking benefit was realized.
As you may have heard, Congress is working on significant modifications to our tax code. Changes include reexamining many tax provisions including, possibly, the transit benefit. Early indications are that the proposed package may revoke many tax preferences, including the section of the tax code that allows for pre-tax commuter benefits.
That means hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in pre-tax benefits could be lost by every commuter participant. Employers would also lose. For every $10,000 redirected to pre-tax transit benefits by participants, you can save $765 on the matching employer FICA taxes.*
Be sure to share this email with other employers. Action needs to be taken now to remind Congress about this valuable benefit to you and your employees.
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*Calculations assume annual earnings of each participating employee is below the Social Security Wage base of $127,200.