Seattle Ordinance Requires Pre-Tax Transit Benefits
July 29, 2019
New Jersey Commuter Law
April 16, 2019
Bay Area Employers Requirement to Offer Commuter Benefits Extended Indefinitely
October 25, 2016
New York City Amends Mass Transit Benefit Rules
September 14, 2016
Application of Retroactive Increase in Excludible Transit Benefits, IRS Notice 2016-6
January 14, 2016
Transit Amendment to the Washington DC Clean And Affordable Energy Act
December 23, 2015
New York City Transit Ordinance Guarantees Pre-Tax Transit Benefits
October 05, 2015
Application of Retroactive Increase in Excludible Transit Benefits, IRS Notice 2015-2
January 12, 2015
Congress Retroactively Increases Monthly Transit and Vanpooling Limit for 2014
December 19, 2014
Bay Area Employers Required to Offer Commuter Benefits to Their Employees
April 10, 2014
Monthly Transit Limit drops to $125 for 2014 unless Congress acts Posted Oct. '13
IRS Increases Transit and Parking Limits, Releases Additional Tax Changes for 2013
Application of Retroactive Increase in Excludible Transit Benefits, IRS Notice 2013-8
$2,500 Limit for Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts under the Affordable Care Act (ALSO POSTED IN ACA)
IRS Issues Official Guidance for Retroactive 2012 Transit Benefits
President Obama signed into law the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21)
Debit Cards and Smartcards in Commuter Benefit Program